Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 4: Impinge Farm

Slept well last night in the original farm house, now Nicola's room, and woke with the sun at around 6:30. Had a great, proper, English Easter-brunch breakfast with bacon, fried tomato, poached egg and hot-crossed buns. Then went on a tour of the farm operations -- tobacco curing barns, where we saw some green tobacco fresh in from the farm being loaded into the dryers. We then drove out to the snow pea patch where we ate our full from the fields. We came back for a swim, and then the most incredible easter lunch -- roast beef, spicy salsa, focaccia (thanks to Nina's handywork in the kitchen), roasted potatoes and loads of incredible South African wines. Played fetch with an avacodo with Zara (the Bentley's gorgeous black mixed lab) splashed around in the pool afteward before piling back into the bakkie again (that's a diesel, 4-door extended cab pick-up for all you yanks LOL) and went up onto the top of the granite copy where we drank wine, watched the sunset and told stories of a time that's all too distant in our memories. But, they're good memories nonetheless.


  1. Love, love the picture. Sounds like an amazing day. So happy to hear. Lots of Love. 3 more sleeps and I will be on my way!

  2. Looks like you are finally settling in and enjoying yourself. Loving all the pics and your stories. xox
